Pure Nature Yoga is a place that hosts Yoga classes given by Emmanuelle Menard, Yoga teacher and director of the place, and a team of recognized teachers, located at the Jardin de la Piboule in Cogolin, Yann Menard’s organic farm where he grows fruits and vegetables.

The Yoga Teachers who offer their classes here are aware of the benefits of practicing outside in this natural setting – under the shade of trees in sunny weather, under a pergola in case of strong wind or rain.

Emmanuelle believes that Nature rejuvenates us as much as Yoga and practicing Yoga in a garden designed for this purpose allows students to access the benefits of breathing in the open air, to contemplate the beauty of trees and flowers, to hear the birdsong and the wind in the trees, to be connected to the seasons.

Emmanuelle, Yoga teacher and wife of Yann Menard, wanted to create a place in the heart of nature designed for Yoga in which anyone coming to take a class can also feel all the well-being from being in nature, feel a mind and body lift, refresh and reguveration.